Since I needed some warm liquid to activate the yeast, I warmed the milk enough to be luke warm (still mainatining its raw status) and also melted the butter in at the same time. The dough looked very much the same as in the original recipe after mixing, so I had hopes it would work as well as the original. When the first rise cycle was almost complete, my daughter walked passed the bowl and said it had filled it to the top. I was amazed at how much it had risen. I was a little concerned that maybe the bread would be holey since it rose so much.
I poured half of the dough into a greased bread pan and the rest I dropped by spoon onto a cookie sheet. I have found that if I use a little water on my hands, I can smooth and shape the dough after I have dropped it on the cookie sheet (dough is too wet to roll into a ball in your hand). I think this recipe worked out better than the original.1 C Tapioca flour
1/2 C. Cornstarch
1 C. Almond meal
1/2 C. Sweet sorghum flour2 3/4 tsp Xanthan gum
3 Eggs
2 T Brown sugar3 T Butter
1 tsp Apple cider vinegar
1 1/4C Milk, warmed to luke warm
2 3/4 tsp. Yeast
In a small sauce pan, heat up milk and butter until luke warm. Set aside. In a miking bowl, mix all dry ingredients together. Add yeast to the warm milk and butter. Set aside for a few minutes, until yeast blooms. Add yeast mixture, eggs, and apple cider vinegar to the dry ingredients and mix for 5 minutes. Scrape down sides with a spatula, cover with a moist towel and leave to rise for 1 hour. After the first rise, punch down the dough with a spatula and pour into a bread pan our spoon onto a cookie sheet. Let rise for 30 minutes if making rolls or 45 minutes if making bread. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes for rolls or 55 minutes for bread. Turn out onto a cooling rack until completely cooled. Enjoy!
Leanne said...
I have also added 2 TBSP flax seed to the recipe and had more of a multigrain bread.
Leanne said...
You can also substitute the butter with coconut oil and the milk with coconut milk and still have excellent results.